The LiveWellVegas blogs present information about communities, real estate, home life and fun in Las Vegas from a personal perspective that includes opinions. These come from our own writers and from professionals and involved citizens in our community.
A median priced home in San Jose California is out of reach even if you make more than $125,000. How would you like to make $125,000 a year — and still not be able to make the median mortgage payment? That’s the case in California’s most expensive real estate city, San Jose. The median…
Hal DeKeyser Nevada has the cheapest income tax requirement in the nation (zero), but did you know what the least expensive property tax states are? Once again, Nevada came in among the five least costly states in effective property taxes (tied with neighboring Utah at No. 4). So if you’re looking for real estate with…
While Hispanics make up just north of 18 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for more than three-fifths of the growth in home ownership over the past decade, according to an annual report of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, or NAHREP. The report said Hispanics made up 39.6 percent of household…
While tech still rules in most U.S. metros for start-up activity, Vegas gets high marks for wage and population growth
Dec. 26 – the day after Chrismas – is best day to close on a house Fewer sellers, but less competition Spring and summer are busiest real estate seasons By Hal DeKeyser Ask just about any real estate agent when the best time to buy a house is, and the answer inevitably is “now.”During this…
Las Vegas retirement communities range from luxury with golf and activity centers to active but lower budget developments Massive and wide-ranging activity centers at Vegas retirement communities Luxury and luxury on a budget Low cost, comfortable and safe neighborhoods By Hal DeKeyser With all the sunshine, low tax and cost of living and things to do,…
Las Vegas, ‘half-hour city,’ has easy traffic and an easily accessible airport that will take you everywhere, mostly cheaply No California-like rush hour traffic Airlines pepper Vegas with flight discounts Flights to and from everywhere By Hal DeKeyser In addition to one of the cheapest and easiest-to-use airports, Las Vegas has a fairly serviceable although not…
Las Vegas is famous for fabulous things to do in entertainment & restaurants, and it’s also a great outdoors playground New restaurant capital of the world Mountains, Red Rocks, Lake Mead, Colorado River and trails Locals benefit from visitors’ spending on things to do By Hal DeKeyser Uh, this is Vegas, baby. You’re not going to…
Las Vegas summers are hot but not long, and the rest of the year the weather is like the California Coast Winter, spring, and fall weather calls for shorts or light jacket Summers are short and arid You will not miss snow By Hal DeKeyser Southern Nevada has some of the most moderate weather in the…
Las Vegas has no income tax; low property tax; low but appreciating housing prices, comfortable cost of living ZERO state income taxes; low property taxes Housing is rising but comparatively inexpensive National average cost of living on other expenses By Hal DeKeyser Las Vegas has low taxes, a low cost of living, and is an inexpensive…