The LiveWellVegas blogs present information about communities, real estate, home life and fun in Las Vegas from a personal perspective that includes opinions. These come from our own writers and from professionals and involved citizens in our community.
Everyone wants to own a home as part of the American Dream, right? Nope. Home ownership has varied in the United States and in Las Vegas, generally hovering in the 60 percentage numbers. Most surveys of renters discover that most renters consider home ownership a worthwhile pursuit. They’re just not able to pull it off…
I bought my first home decades ago using my no-down GI Bill when I was a beginning reporter for the Associated Press – wondering how in the world I was going to come up with the $311 a month for a two-bedroom, one bath bungalow that’s close to 900 square feet. Fortunately, small homes appreciate…
Renters who want to be homeowners consider the biggest challenge to grabbing that rung on the American Dream ladder is coming up with the money for the down payment. That renters down payment challenge assessment from the Zillow Aspirations Report shows that 70 percent of respondents cited coming up with the down payment more difficult…
Las Vegas is a relatively small city for a metro area as well known as it is internationally, both in population (slightly above 2 million) and land mass. An advantage of that, compared to bigger, older or denser areas like Phoenix or Los Angeles, is that it’s relatively easy to get around. That means your…
Owning your own home as long been – and still is — the American dream. It offers stability, asset appreciation and a feeling of familial comfort. It’s your nest to do with as you like. But it’s not for everyone, and it’s not for many people at certain points in their lives. Sometimes there are…